Friday, June 12, 2009

Shaman loads in the trailer

As Pat Parrelli says you need positive progressive progress. With that mantra running though my head and also my other favorite, Einsteins Definition of Insanity, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results I was watching the continuing desensitizing of Shaman to The Trailer. As I listened to Shaman and I had been watching Jodie do everything right over the last few weeks, however, no progressive progress was being made. I came to the realization that this had become a game for Shaman. He really wasn't being asked to go in the trailer as much as he was being asked to not run away from it. So I suggested we change the game a little bit and within 5 minutes Shaman was walking in the trailer and calmly walking out. This video was about 32 hours after the first breakthrough and shows Jodie and Shamans first try since the breakthrough. As you will see a resounding success. Read your horse, maintain calm energy and hold a quiet expectation within yourself that you will succeed. Then keep reading your horses reactions, try and understand what he is saying and change the rules of the game as needed.

Congratulations Jodie and Shaman on a remarkable partnership you inspire me to positive progressive progress.